Reimagining of the Self

Hollie Dugas


12 February 2025

I want to embody the sea urchin,

uncannily, stroll elegantly across

sand on strange eyes – globular,

with no bones for breaking.

The savor of my body

unbeknownst to me.

Though lovers from all over

would twitterpate over my sweet

brinish flavor. 360 degrees

of seeing and I would never

know heart. I’d react to movement.

But movement only.

Besides, a mind never knows

what it wants. I’d regulate algae

instead – a job with no knowing.

There will be nothing metaphysical

flowing in and out of me. I’d be,

peculiar, contained of simpleness;

aphrodisia. And I would not fear

the nature of my own intensity,

shimmering like Aristotle’s lantern.

Non-sentient, now, I abandon

brain; keep five teeth and poison.

This is the moment I’ve been

waiting for: to exist in my freaky

little body, insular, sifting through

oblivion, innate with indifference.

Hollie Dugas lives in New Mexico. Her work has been included in Barrow Street, Reed Magazine, Qu, Redivider, Porter House Review, Salamander, Poet Lore, Mud Season Review, The Louisville Review, The Penn Review, Breakwater Review, RHINO, Sixth Finch, Gordon Square Review, Phoebe, Broad River Review, and Louisiana Literature. Additionally, “A Woman’s Confession #5,162” was selected as the winner of Western Humanities Review Mountain West Writers’ Contest (2017). Hollie has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and for inclusion in Best New Poets. Most recently, her poem was selected as winner of the 22nd Annual Lois Cranston Memorial Poetry Prize at CALYX, in addition to, the 2022 Heartwood Poetry Prize. She was also a finalist in the Atlanta Review’s 2022 International Poetry Contest.